Friday, September 28, 2007

我看见Dato Dr. K. Sree Raman~by Jane - The place for myspace comments, glitters, graphics, backgrounds and codes

还记得我曾说过在7月28日回医院血科复诊时要再去找Dato Dr. K. Sree Raman 吗?其实我已在28日的前一天,即27日回医院抽血时,到血科部门看看他在不在医院。当天,我带了在比比满月没多久已买了的一支雕刻了一些感谢词语的钢笔,用花纸把它包裹好,附上一张卡片,打算送给Dr. Sree作为一份感谢的纪念礼物。早上到了血科办公室询问护士,但是护士小姐说Dato Sree好像在开会或者正在巡病房。我询问她大概是哪个病房,他回答我应该是6楼或8楼吧!

我和Calvin乘升降机到6楼及8楼,也在病房外站了一会,询问了病房里的医务人员,但他们并没看见Dato Sree在病房内,已经离开病房很久了。我再与Calvin到回去血科部门,在那儿等了许久,都没看见Dato Sree出现。因为要赶回去上班,不能再久等,Calvin再次询问护士小姐,护士说可能他正在开会,也不一定是在这里开会,可能到KL开会去了。他每天都很忙,很多突发及紧要事件要办,所以她们也不清楚他每天真正时间表,她叫我们明天(28号)早上8点到,他大多数会在办公司。我感到很失望,又再次落空,我28号的复诊是在早上11点,怎能那么早将比比交给奶妈就来医院等呢?比比还没睡醒呢!
到了第二天,我还是依我复诊的时间,早上10点多到了医院,再顺便找一找Dr. Sree在不在。答案还是一样,在我等候进去复诊时,完全看不到Dr. Sree的身影。
等了差不多中午12点多,我被叫进去会见Dr. Aaron。 Dr. Aaron为我检查后,我便与Calvin走出诊房等候半年后复诊的日期。等待的当儿,突然Dr. Sree在我身边匆匆忙忙走过,然后进了他的办公室。

我很开心,急忙告诉Calvin,Calvin即刻帮我向办公室里打探,看看Dr. Sree是否真的在那。Calvin跑先一步,我随行跟着。我的眼睛没错,里面坐着的,就是我一直想要回来亲口向他说声谢谢的Dato. Dr. K. Sree!

Dr. Sree真的很忙,他一回到办公司,身边的助理不时告诉他他的时间表及要做的任务。因为看见他很忙,看样子,他好像又要起身出去了,怕他突然又跑出去,我很没礼貌,打断了他们的谈话。Dr. Sree皱了皱眉,停了说话,望向了我,问我有什么事?Dr. Sree已经不认得我的样子了,见到我一点反应都没有,好像从来没见过我似的。我知道他现在忙得很,也不好意思打扰他,即刻向他说:“Dr. Sree, 对不起,你还记得我吗?”他摇了摇头,我告诉他:“我是你的病人,ITP with Pregnancy。”《ITP with Pregnancy》这个字眼非常罕有,我一向他说,他即刻记得起我是谁了!Dr. Sree脸上浮起了笑容,他站了起来走向我,向我握手问候我好不好。我向他说这次来见他是要亲自向他道谢的,他对我说这不需要,这是他的任务及工作,他是有责任应该这样做的。Dr. Sree还再开玩笑对我说:“我还记得你分娩那天哭得很厉害,你的丈夫及我的手都被你握得差不多要断了!”

我把那些小礼物送给了他,原本我们想和他拍张合照,在比比长大后,给比比知道,这就是我们的救命恩人,仁心仁术的好医生。可是因为看见他好像有急诊要做,所以没要求合照,而且粗心的我,忘了问候他刚在英国发生车祸的儿子情况,而Dr. Sree却不忘关心我复诊时,主诊医生有没告诉我可不可以再生第二胎?我告诉他可以,但有一定的高风险。他安慰我别怕,他会帮我的。可是如果他不在的话,我会不会那么幸运,再遇见一个像他那么好的医生?我们只交谈了一会儿,Dr. Sree因为有急诊有跑出办公室了。

希望好人有好报, Dr. Sree医者父母心,不计较病人肤色及来自什么阶层,都伸于援手。他的儿子一定能逢凶化吉,还可能已经康复好了。森美兰州严端封他为拿督是因为他对社会作出了很大的贡献才有这个名副其实的封号。

Dato. Dr. K Sree Raman,

Only a few people

can come into a life and

make such a difference.

Thank you for your

strength and understanding.

You are truly a special doctor.



Jimmy Lee said...

jane...reading ur blog made me think alot lor (*Sob), makin me realised how great a mum could ever be.

Seeing u risking ur life trying very hard to bring BB into dis world and provide him the very best unlike other ppl they dun even want BB in the first place. When the discover they are down wif BB, they immediately abort them lor.

MUMMY, u rock lor...will pray hard hard for u so u be able to have another safe delivery... But then the next one, Can let me be the godfather mah...haha.

Jane Chin said...

TQ 4 your praise and bless ! I do not have that great mother which you said lar, but i will try my best to do 100% mummy.

BB is extremely naive and lovable,but did not understand why can some people give up them.

again half year, my blood platelet has not restored the security level, I did not consider pregnant the second BB liao, bcos now, around my double foot often has many black & blue, mean my platelet very low now, I am afraid very much to have the courage to be pregnant again.

Hope your pray can make my dream come ture lar!
Tks ah!

Jimmy Lee said...

Well, by bringing him to the world is already the GREATEST liao. no problem de....u sure can make it. But of course ur health come first lor.....Hope next time me can go visit u and bb in malaysia wor...

Also, fion told me how come I go ard gettin ppl's bb to be my godson lor...haha. I told her me like ur bb mah..cute cute de....KeKe

Jimmy Lee said...
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